Friday, January 16, 2009

These rocks are all that friends and family have requested from me to do about there hobbies and settings that could describe their family.
Each rock comes with a clear gloss or matte coating on it for protection from water, dirt, suns uv light rays(so it won't fade or turn yellow), and chipping.
In an email you will need to tell me;
1.what image or setting you'd like
2. specific colors (if differant then generic)
3. if and what name you'd like on the rock (as you can see on some picture I can do one family name and then in smaller print I can do individual names of the family members)
4. smaller rock (about 10''-12'') or larger rock (about 1'-1.5')
5. If you want a gloss or matte coating

any extra information about likes and dis-likes, or specifics to help me make a rock that you'll love is always welcomed!

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